I started with failed trade on EU, as it broken initially a bit lower with nice confirmation on GU. This trade was worth -10 pips.
Soon after SL on my EU position was hited price on both EU and GU retraced to previos levels from before 8:00am. I read it as a clear bounce of GU from daily low and decided to trade long in spite of lack of clear setup [as you can read I was expecting long trade off red support on GU that day, that's why I decided to enter early]. GU rallied initial 20 pips very quickly, and charged higher hitting my planned target for second half at daily high [+ 60 pips for second half].
This was very moody day.
My first trade was based on my market overview for EU and confirmation on EJ [-9 pips]. Unfortunately it was a looser, second was another approach to trade my prognosis, this time I bought GU [-13 pips].