London New York Tokyo Helsinki

Thursday 10 September 2009

There is nothing new I can write.
USD falls, Dow rises, GU still below 1,67, EU breaks up a bit, gold touched 1000.
Recession have ended or not, no one knows, however everyone behave as it's done. In my opinion too many people is interested in gold, and it should be priced around 997. However gold skyrocketing indicate inflation fear. I think unemployment is very important indication of is recession over.
In fact there is not much to do in terms of trading, maybe daily options trading during GB interest rate decision and BoE statement. Nothing is for sure, I wouldn't even recomend buing gold, as recession is not that certain, if only US start to buy chinese things, there will be no more need for gold, and we will see 960 or so. [as I'm writing it gold is priced 985].

What I can say for sure is that there is a lot of werid price action that doesn't hold the water and sooner or later something must change. Unemployment must fall, inflation must skyrocket or stock must fall [recession part two version].

For trading tips I have one: go take vacation ;)
